The alignment between customer (and what the customer perceives as value) and a companies’ unique operational capabilities is a key to a firm’s success. 

Therefore, knowledge about what the customer wants – the voice of the customer – should drive the work design. Strategic decisions determine the vision of the company; i.e. which capability to develop. Considering the “voice of the business” the capabilities to qualify for a market and the capabilities which make your company unique are determined.

Capabilities as low cost, quality, flexibility, responsiveness and innovativeness are abstract concepts which need to be translated into specific objectives to becomes meaningful.

Objectives are then translated into goals. This translation process should include everyone which will be affected. Goals and required improvement efforts should be negotiated between actuator and actor. 

Finally, for any improvement effort to be effective a measurement system must be in place. Actual and target performance must be constantly compared. It is this feedback on deviations which allows any problems which may occur during the implementation process to be identified and solved. 

Lean work design has to create a structure that provides the knowledge to process information through communication in order to obtain the appropriate actions. The role of structure is to ensure action. The structure simplifies the communication between participants in the process. The structure turns a request for action into a routine, translating communication between actuator (i.e. the one which requests action) and actor (i.e. the one which performs the action).

Key Definitions


5S provides the foundation for all other improvements. It is often implemented as the first step in implementing lean operations, Total Productive Maintenance programs or Total Quality Management

Once it is implemented, S1, S2 and S3 together form an ongoing cycle of cleaning that is standardized or structured by S4 and institutionalized or sustained by S5.

Cleaning and setting in order requires an investment in time and capacity to implement and maintain it. Yet benefits include: 

Total Productive Maintenance  

Total Productive Maintenance aims at improving the Overall Equipment Effectiveness. The capacity that a firm is purchasing when it purchases equipment can be lost if the firm does not maintain it. Often these losses are classified into six categories – The 6 BIG losses! - as follows: 

The availability of the machine is influenced by the breakdown losses and setup and adjustment losses. The breakdown loss is the most obvious, because the machine is not able to function without being repaired. The equipment setup and adjustment losses occur as the machine switches from producing one product to another. The performance rate of the machine is affected by the idling and minor stoppage losses and reduced speed losses. The idling and minor stoppage losses occur during the operation of the machine when the machine has to be paused to clean debris or correct a minor malfunction, such as loose bolt or wire. The speed losses occur as the machine is operated at a lower speed to ensure that the quality is good or the machine will not breakdown. The quality rate of the machine is affected by the quality defects and rework losses and start-up yield losses. The start-up and yield losses are quality losses because they occur when the parameters of the machine’s operations are being adjusted.

Maintenance actions can be classified by whether they are reactive or proactive. Reactive maintenance responds to the breakdowns after they have occurred, which is too late to prevent capacity losses. Proactive maintenance seeks to avoid losses through preventive maintenance activities (e.g. think of changing the oil and the filters on a car). Predictive maintenance makes the status of the components of machines visible in order to predict when they will need to be repaired (e.g. a clean, white floor under a machine will show any oil leaks, and a vibration sensor on the machine will indicate when a bearing is failing). Thus predictive maintenance is talking to the parts. 

Predictive and proactive maintenance avoid the capacity losses and are the preferred methods in lean operations. Lean prevents the six big losses using three primary methods. 

These action creates a structure that ensures that the required maintenance actions take place.

(Total) Quality Management  

Total Quality Management is an integrative management concept which aims at continuously improving and sustaining quality products and processes. It is a management strategy aimed at embedding awareness of quality in all organizational processes - involving management, workforce, suppliers, and customers -  in order to meet and/or exceed customer expectations.

More information on (Total) Quality Management can be found here.

Single Minute Exchange of Die  

The rapid changeover of a production process from running one product to the next is the key to reducing production lot sizes and thereby improving flow. The objective of the concept of Single-Minute Exchange of Die is the reduction of the set-up or changeover time. More information can be found here.

Continuous Improvement 

Continuous improvement builds the backbone for 5S, Total Productive Maintenance, Total Quality Management and other management concepts for a lean work design. 

Continuous improvement consists of two words – continuous and improvement. Improvement means eliminating errors or defects from the process. This leads to increased productivity, increased resource effectiveness and improved responsiveness to the customer. Continuous means that the improvement process is an ongoing journey.

The process of continuous improvement is expressed as a continual repetition of the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle. Plan-Do-Check-Act is based on the scientific method (see Shewart and Deming). It was popularized by Deming in his lectures and is the standard approach for continuous improvement or continuous problem solving. 

Plan-Do-Check-Act is a conceptual explanation of the scientific method. 

Companies typically operationalize it by creating standardized problem solving approaches for their company. For example, General Electric’s Six Sigma uses Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control for its standard problem solving. 

Standard problem solving tools include:

Problem solution can be implemented through:

Kaizen is the Japanese word for continuous improvement. This word was popularized in the US by Imai (1986). It is often implemented as a series of structured events which occur over a period of a day to a week. As part of kaizen there is detailed advance planning followed by a rapid implementation of the plan. Typically, kaizen focuses on a large change in the process, while the worker’s continuous improvement is concerned with a more limited portion of the process.

The concept of performance frontiers (see e.g. Schmenner & Swink, 1998) can be used to gain a deeper understanding into variability to provide guidance on the application of continuous improvement. First we introduce the difference between common and assignable variability (see e.g. Shewart, 1931; Deming, 1982). Shewart (1931) argued that each controlled capability is variable. A capability was said to be under control when, through the use of past experience, one can predict, at least within limits, how its target condition may be expected to vary in the future. Prediction within limits means that the probability that the observed measure for the target condition will be within the given limits can be stated at least approximately. It follows that a controlled process is a constant system of chance causes. 

Further, it was found that there are causes of variability that do not belong to a constant system. These causes can be assigned to special causes and these assignable (or special) causes of variation found and eliminated. 

Variability can be categorized into three categories as follows: 

This categorization guides the problem solving tools and solutions applied.

Facility Layout  

The facility layout is the physical arrangement of the parts of the processes (departments, work centers or equipment) within a facility. The facility layout provides the framework for the resource assignments and the structure for information and knowledge integration.

Facility layout has a major impact on the work design. The facility layout determines the assignment of resources, the flow of work  - and the amount of motion that is required for the work to flow through the facility - and the flow of information. A lean work design seeks to minimize the amount of work that is required for movement to support the process; capacity is restricted thus capacity used to support the process which is not required (for example unnecessary motion) is capacity lost for the throughput and should be avoided.

There are three major types of layouts: 

The type of layout depends on both the volume of the product being produced (the production lot size) and the variety of the products being produced. Make-to-order shops produce highly variable products in small lot sizes and therefore typically apply a process layout or cell layout. 

The facility layout also influences the “Zone of Control” in the facility. Managers are assigned an area of responsibility and that area is subdivided into other areas of responsibility. These areas overlap. The zone control creates a structure of responsibility and coverage. This is similar to using a “zone” in sports, where each player is assigned a portion of the “play area” to defend, rather than defending one-on-one. This ensures the unity of command which avoids misunderstandings in the communication of goals and objectives. 

Visible Control  

The objective of a control system is to stabilize a process by triggering action if the process deviates from a target. A control system typically consists of a parameter that is being measured against a target and includes a feedback loop to the process to adjust the parameter output if the parameter deviates from the target. 

This becomes a visual control signal when the measurement of the performance to the target is made visual. In processes the adjustment actions are typically taken by the humans in the system. So, lean uses visual control signals to call for action. This ensures that the information is available when it is needed – as it is visual to anyone. 

Visual control is an important form of communication in the company ensuring that the right information is at the right time at the right place. It builds a cornerstone for lean concepts as 5S, Total Productive Maintenance, Total Quality Management, Just-In-Time etc.

Pull Systems  

A pull system is a production planning and control system that limits the load in the production system based on feedback about the throughput of the system. This requires that jobs are not released directly to the shop floor when they arrive, but are retained in a buffer (i.e. a pre-shop pool or backlog of orders). Jobs are released so that the workload on the shop floor stays within limits. One of the key concepts for lean planning and and control in the context of a lean work design suitable for small to medium sized make-to-order companies is Workload Control.